19 Sept 2014

The ghosts of Ilfracombe pt2 - Philip Wakeham

Philip Wakeham

So after our stop at Hirst and the customary fridge magnet purchase it was time to make our way back through town. I'm inclined to walk up hills. The gods provide them often and I am just a man so we took the high road, left onto Capstone and up onto Fore Street. After a short stomp I was stopped in my tracks outside Jessica Dove Gallery by a collection of bronze figures.


Philip Wakeham lives and works in Devon. His career began in casting pewter and is now rooted firmly in bronze. Wakeham does all his own casting and his website states -  'Lost wax casting is intimately bound up with my creative process, and because I do my own casting I can use it as part of my creative process rather than just a means to reproduce originals.' I. Dig. That!

Winged Man

I've stolen these pictures from various places around the web as Mr Wakeham's web designer is smarter than I. It's a shame because these are the quality shots I could find but although the selection on his site is limited the photography is better. None the less I really can't tell you how impressive these are in the flesh.

St Ives Version 2

Unfortunately the Jessica Dove Gallery (the link is the only one I could find for them) was closed so I was relegated to pressing my face upon the window Aphex Twin style, mouth open, chin damp, otherwise I might have came home with a piece. There's still time...
 You can check out more of Wakeham's work here.

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