This is the third piece in my "Between Worlds" series. I thought it might be interesting to post a few insights to the development of this piece and my process in general so I will include here a few notes.
I have spoken often about keeping a notebook and sketchbook. I can't stress how important that has been for me. For the last 15 years at least I have kept a running notebook for every piece I think of in my phone. I currently have a little under 50 sculptures in idea form in a list and 15 developed out on separate notes. This sculpture was moved to it's own page in 2012 and has been developed out over time since then. Around February last year the piece was completely finished as far as ideas go and only the manual labour was left to be done and I began the sculpting and it was finished early December. It didn't take that long to sculpt, I just did little bits over a long time, I work on a lot of different piece at any one time, most of which being my "day job" craft. This is how I prefer to work. A lot is made of testing, "happy accidents", serendipity in the artistic process. I too enjoy these gift from the Gods, but I will always put my full emphasis on a long period of thought, imagination and throwing ideas around in my notes and my mind.
Below is the full page of notes I have made for this piece. As you can see it is fairly brief and quite simple but each word or phrase is connected to and queues a longer series of ideas and thought for me. The accumulation of which is the complete piece and what it means to me.
"The Clandestine Weights Of Any Lunar Cycle" is made from epoxy clay and painted with acrylic paint. It stands on a block of weathered wooden based that has been treated with wood hardener and stained a rich deep brown. The sculpture is 350mm high, 200mm wide and 200mm deep.