20 Aug 2019

La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas. ― Charles Baudelaire

My little side project The Museum of Cryptozoology and Occult Science is excited to be included in the up-coming "Bump in the Night" Exhibition at The Old Auction House in Kyneton over the Halloween period. We have some exciting new projects for the show, the first of which the Dybbuk box was finished up this week. More details about this will be popping up on the MOCAOS blog soon but for now and until the show, please enjoy a small preview 

Dybbuk box courtesy of MOCAOS

Dybbuk box courtesy of MOCAOS

Dybbuk box courtesy of MOCAOS

Dybbuk box courtesy of MOCAOS

Dybbuk box courtesy of MOCAOS

Dybbuk box courtesy of MOCAOS

More from MOCAOS here.

7 Aug 2019

I like it when somebody gets excited about something. It's nice.

I watched the 2013 documentary Salinger this morning. 2am is never a good time to start with such a venture but it is the nature of being lost and nothing is more comfortable for the lost than the lost. My lady brought me Catcher in the Rye during a trip to London not long after we got together, and I’ve treasured it ever since for that reason. You wouldn’t believe how many miles that copy has travelled, I’ve taken it with me everywhere. I’ve enjoyed the story many times, but I was distracted most of my first reading wondering why everyone was originally so upset about this book? Caulfield seemed a little weak and angry but also just lonely. Like a 2am doco I suppose. I never really figured that out but if you haven’t seen it and liked any of Salinger’s work, I would recommend it. It’s a tough watch at times and to be honest, I finished it not liking him very much, but it was nice to see him sitting in the car smiling at the end. I don’t know if that smile was peace or amusement, but I must hope even the loneliest of us find some sort of peace eventually.

I think that if you maintain more questions than opinions in life, you’ll probably do OK so in that regard, why do so many creatives wander so far from humanity. I understand chasing the work and I completely understand chasing the craft. The work so often feeds the work to the point where you really don’t need much else to produce but once you're there, what is the point? Is the work a distraction during life? Is it a habit? Fuck me, that sounds like smoking, not creativity. Anyway, if you are tasked in any way to finding perfection in your work then I wholly recommend this film. So...Fuck you Mr Salinger, I hope you’re doing OK man, wherever you are…